IDC released their latest headset predictions today, and it’s a bit of a mixed bag. We saw a 10 percent bump in augmented and virtual reality headset shipments last year — but they’re predicting a 12 percent drop for 2025. Do the IDC numbers mean anything? Yes, they do. IDCRead More →

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg showed off four new headset prototypes a few days ago that, he said, make virtual reality feel almost real. The goal is to invent displays “that are as vivid and realistic as the physical world and much more advanced than traditional computer screens we use today,”Read More →

Blockchain technology, used to power cryptocurrencies and other decentralized record-keeping systems, has been struggling to find practical use cases outside ransomware and speculative projects like Bitcoin and NFTs. There have been a number of pilot projects in a variety of industries, but they’ve rarely turned into anything with significant businessRead More →