Virtual worlds run by non-profit organizations focus on providing a low-cost platform for other non-profits and individuals. To many in the non-profit sector, in-world economies belong on for-profit grids like Second Life and Blue Mars. However, some non-profits running grids on the OpenSim platform are beginning to embrace in-grid paymentsRead More →

Clever Zebra is about to roll out its Campus toolset for educators in OpenSim, company president Nick Wilson tells Hypergrid Business, with work already underway for the first beta customers. OpenSim is an open source platform for creating and serving virtual worlds, which uses the same viewers and interface asRead More →

Coca-Cola’s virtual presence in is now history, but few other enterprises will be affected by the loss of this virtual world, experts say. “Unfortunately, ceased operations,” Coca-Cola said in a statement. “As CCMetro is part of the larger environment, CCMetro closed as well.” The company said itRead More →