This list only includes grids that have published usage data this month. Some grids may have been down for maintenance, relocation, or were shut down since our survey last month. OpenLifeGrid does not consider themselves an OpenSim grid and does not publish usage data. SpotOn3D did not respond to our requests for data.

“Regions change,” “Users change” and “Actives change” refers to how many more regions, registered users, and active users the grid reported compared to the previous month.

Grid Regions Regions Change Total Users Users Change Active within past month Actives Change
3rd Rock Grid 183 -4 4862 147 388 -47
AlphaTowne 344 0 1549 30 1143 30
Annuna Grid 41 0 66 0 0
AnSky 1 -2 3 2 0 -1
Architecture Islands 5 0 0 5 0
AstraGrid 25 0 82 0 0
AstralGrid 68 61 28 28 36 36
AtMeeting Grid 9 4 0 0
Avatar Connection 17 102
Avatar Hangout 51 0 9231 342 15 -1
Avination 954 -54 34674 2557 6155 -1200
AVWorlds 10 5 79 48 51 25
City Grid (Steden Grid) 5 15 1
Craft World 185 16 1251 144 266 -8
Curiosity Grid 16 0 101 9 46 -2
DigiGrids 9 0 0 0
Diva’s Office 4 0 6 0 3 -2
Dorena’s World 86 39 139 11 26 -4
Enclave Harbour 16 0 6 0 5 2
Flatlandia 33 0 187 2 9 -6
FleepGrid 7 0 0 0
FrancoGrid 337 39 3445 57 129 -27
FunGrid 8
Gay San Francisco 127 2 297 86 98 23
GerGrid 50 0 149 6 36 -1
German Grid 80 -2 2592 38 365 -27
GovGrid 4 0 23 1 1 -3
Grid Nirvana 264 126 51
Grid World 39 8 51 3 10 -9
Haven 14 -4 31 18 25 17
InWorldz 975 88 40000 1391 -157
Island Oasis 21 2 646 89 0
Iti Motu Resort 6 7 20
Jamland 12 0 48 0 1 -1
JokaydiaGrid 95 1 1546 72 142 -51
Kitely 905 127 1106 174 190 53
Logicamp 97 1 157 17 42 -9
Metropolis 341 19 1565 23 251 6
My First Life 9 0 0 0
MyOpenGrid 250 52 0 0
New World Grid 691 2 11710 239 383 -30
NexXtLife 250 0 4168 163 256 256
NorthGrid 34 0 51 4 0
Nova Grid 69 15 521 111 153 50
NSL Test Grid 30 0 69 2 3 3
Oceaux 2 170 22
Oneworld Grid 17 9 20 1 19 -5
Open Neuland 67 -5 567 7 43 11 59 957
Openvue 19 0 42 0 31
OSGrid 6671 622 63427 1196 3271 -154
OSVR 6 0 57 0 0
Phoenix Grid 20 1412 78
PMGrid 56 0 101 0 0
Pseudospace 53 0 291 3 12 1
Rawhide 16 10 1
ReactionGrid 115 -2 8936 163 283 -144
Role Play Worlds 45 3 0 218 31
Savage Grid 69 2 3 0 6 4
ScienceSim 1810 671 1767 38 0
SecondLearning 6 0 63 63 -47
SIM World 84 -5 1508 272 364 11
Slackdog Grid 77 0 31 0 3 -2
Sofitek 6
Tertiary Grid 29 0 124 11 14 0
Tlön 10 0 65 9 3 -1
TUIS 49 186 35
Twisted Sky 69 0 474 23 21 -3
UFS Grid 29 0 642 41 25 0
Unica Universe 17 0 377 5 0
Viradu 12 0 0 0
Virtual France 15 0 190 4 4 -6
Virtual Games 3D 149
Virtual Highway 38 112 22
Virtual RP 22 0 682 13 31 -6
Virtual Worlds Grid 828 -43 463 13 20 4
VirtualLife 149 5 1719 91 61 -15
Virtyou 124 1 1914 87 61 -5
Wilder Westen 34 3 1139 8 15 1
World Galileo 3 0 220 0 0
Your Alternative Life 20 0 3019 103 2257 205
YourSimSpot 39 0 206 13 13 -5

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