OpenSim grids resume breakneck growth
The top 40 public OpenSim grids resumed their breakneck growth pace this month, gaining a total of 1,139 regions and crossing back over the 10,000 mark with a total land area of 10,427 regions. This was a growth of over 12%compared to last month, which translates to an annual growthRead More →
Hypergrid economy hits new high
The hypergrid economy continued its steady growth this past month, with a total of 1,091,000 OMC (US $3,775) spent on the 14 OMC-enabled grids since the multi-grid currency launched in March. This total doesn’t include local grid currencies, CyberCoinBank’s G$, or Virtual Wallet’s V$, none of which report their transactionRead More →
CyberWatch to train faculty in Second Life
Press Release: CyberWatch Launches Virtual World Environment for Learning, Training and Global Meetings Second Life environment will extend services to national members in virtual space. Washington, DC., August 15, 2010 — The CyberWatch organization announces today the launch of a 3D online virtual environment in Second Life. The virtual islandRead More →
Rosedale promises meshes; Teen Grid to close
Philip Rosedale who recently returned to the helm of Linden Lab, gave his first major speech of his second term as CEO on Saturday with a couple of bold announcements — Second Life was definitely rolling out meshes, and the Teen Grid will soon close. Rosedale gave no firm deadlineRead More →
Free Scripts
Last updated March 10, 2013. Looking to add some jazz to your virtual world? Say, by having doors that swing open when you touch them, fish that swim in your lakes, or cannons that actually fire? Sure, you can buy all this stuff, but if you’re a do-it-yourselfer kind ofRead More →
The Virtual and Mobile Workforce
The way we work has changed dramatically over the past few years. I’m relatively young…turning 27 in a few weeks – yet even I can recall working for previous employers where there was just no way of getting things done without being present in the same location as my teamRead More →
VastPark not dead, serves top-tier enterprise clients
Despite rumors of its demise, the Australian virtual worlds company VastPark is not dead — in fact, it’s recently seen quite an uptick of interest. In April, the company won a prestigious contract from the USDA under which it and partner Assyst will build a virtual world and social networkRead More →
Sitting and staring at a virtual screen wastes time
In a post today titled 5 Reasons Why Users Flee from Difficult 3D Virtual Platforms, “Daisy” at VenueGen suggested that new users might like virtual worlds more if they don’t have to do anything else in a virtual world than sit and stare at a screen. If a user logRead More →
Unisfair reports 60% growth
Press Release: Unisfair Experiences 60% growth year over year, adding 20 new virtual event customers in first half of 2010 Companies like 3M, EMC, Genentech and Tourism Fiji Turning to Virtual Events for Improved ROI and Customer Engagement Menlo Park, CA, Aug. 10, 2010 – Unisfair, the leading provider ofRead More →
The business of virtual sex
Would be sim-commerce millionaires gathered at the Hypergrid Entrepreneurs Group meeting Thursday night on the Trombly Grid to discuss recent innovations in OpenSim hosting, currency systems, and selling real homes and real furniture in virtual environments. Towards the end of the meeting, the conversation somehow turned to virtual sex (okay,Read More →
Why virtual worlds suck for business — and some solutions
Wagner Au and Gwyneth Llewelyn have recently posted thought-provoking pieces about how to make virtual worlds more engaging. Au proposed an achievement system to encourage new users to make friends and visit new locations. “Turning social networking more competitive resulted in people getting more engaged with it,” added Llewelyn, explainingRead More →
How to get ripped off in OpenSim
A couple of weeks ago, two OpenSim content designers came to Hypergrid Business with a complaint: they were offered a chance to produce content for a new grid, in return for space on that grid. They did the work, then got locked out. What could they do? Unfortunately, not much.Read More →
Provider Agreement for Virtual Environments
[Disclaimer: This is a sample contract for informational purposes only and is not meant to replace professional legal advice.] This Provider Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made as of _________________________ (date) by and between: Client Name: _________________________ Address: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Telephone: _________________________ Email: _________________________ Provider: Name: _________________________ Address: _________________________ _________________________Read More →
Why virtual worlds are important for business
There is a ton of debate and discussion and information Out There about why virtual worlds are, or aren’t, or might someday be, important for business. Important, that is, to people who are wearing their money-making hats to know about, or to use, or to invest time or effort orRead More →
Two German grids to merge
Update: See end of story for new pricing information. Two of the world’s largest German grids — Grid4Us and GermanGrid — are merging this week, in order to provide a richer — and more populated — world for residents and visitors. The merger is scheduled for August 13 through 15,Read More →
SL Viewer 2 on the hypergrid
Second Life released Viewer 2 in February and, though many complained that the new interface was confusing and less efficient it did offer a significant new benefit to enterprise and education users: the ability to show websites and other media on any in-world surface. However, the new viewer — commonlyRead More →
Using machinima for real business
Editor’s introduction: Machinima refers to animations filmed inside virtual worlds or video games. Machimina is cheaper and faster than the alternatives — traditional filming using real actors and sets, hand-drawn animation, or computer-generated animation.   Many people see machinima as a documentation of the virtual life — a bridge that allowsRead More →
Qarl Linden’s layoff is bad news for OpenSim
Linden Lab developer Qarl Linden reported that he was laid off yesterday. The developer — known as Karl Stiefvater outside of Second Life — was responsible for such innovations as scupties and flexi prims, making the in-world environment richer and more realistic. “He is widely recognized as a competent andRead More →
UBM Studios Unveils the Virtual Business Continuity Center
Press Release: Turnkey Portal Ensures Business Communications through Interruptions Chicago, IL — Business continuity planning is an imperative business practice for organizations.  Business interruptions are difficult – whether they are related to volcano eruptions, supply chain issues or key employee announcements – and communications are imperative.  UBM Studios today unveiledRead More →
How to set up a mini-grid
A mini-grid is a small, standalone OpenSim grid that doesn’t require a separate grid administration server. How small? Small enough so that all its regions can be run on a single computer. For a typical home computer, four regions is plenty. For a high-speed computer or server, you can getRead More →
Grids should consider zoning
A couple of days ago, Second Life merchant Darrius Gothly proposed a plan to reinvigorate Second Life’s land market by zoning regions residential or commercial. Today, Second Life does have some zoning. Content aimed at teenagers is confined to the Teen Grid, for example, and adult content to the ZindraRead More →
ReactionGrid discontinues $25 region hosting
ReactionGrid no longer offers $25 regions, offering only entire servers starting at $150 a month, with a $500 setup fee. Each server can handle four regions, and there is a discount for educators — to $75 a region with a $220 setup fee. “The price for a $75 four-sim dedicatedRead More →
Virtual event networking hindered by multiple channels
Back in February, the Virtual Edge Institute — a virtual events consulting firm — conducted a conference for virtual event organizers. Some 400 attendees went to Santa Clara to attend in person. Another 1,500 attended virtually through a variety of channels — the VirtualU immersive environment, the Unisfair and theRead More →
Virtual good losses lower than other digital goods sales
A recent Wall Street Journal article proclaimed, Fraudsters Like Virtual Goods: Fast-Growing E-Commerce Segment Seems More Vulnerable to Cyber Criminals based on research from CyberSource Corp., which processes credit cards for online merchants. The article makes it sound that virtual goods sales are more prone to fraud than physical products.Read More →
VenueGen adds enterprise collaboration
Press Release: VenueGen Announces New Enterprise Collaboration Capability for Its 3D Web Conferencing Platform VenueGen Releases the First Multi-Dimensional Platform for Web Collaboration RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC– VenueGen today announced a major new release of its 3D virtual meeting and training platform, targeted at the enterprise collaboration market. The newRead More →
Teleplace adds Sharepoint integration
Enterprise virtual world vendor added support for the Microsoft Sharepoint service, the company announced today. Teleplace is one of the leading providers of enterprise-grade, behind-the-firewall, fully immersive virtual collaborative environments. It counts “hundreds” of corporations as customers – some of them big names, including Chevron, BP, Lockheed, Intel, and Fidelity.Read More →
Media-on-a-prim coming to OpenSim in two months
Earlier this year, Linden Lab released Second Life Viewer 2 which, though it had a large number of usability problems, also offered one huge advantage for business and education users: the ability to put a live webpage or any other media onto any in-world surface. This means that a groupRead More →
Hypergrid upgrade may cause travel hiccups
The OpenSim community is currently in the process of upgrading to Hypergrid 1.5, a more secure version of the hypergrid protocol that allows teleportation between different grids. However, Hypergrid 1.5 isn’t compatible with the previous Hypergrid 1.0 standard, according to hypergrid inventor Crista Lopes, professor of informatics at the UniversityRead More →
OSGrid loses regions, other grids continue to grow
The top 40 public grids lost 20% of their reported area this past month — from 11,717 to 9,343 regions –Â due to summer cleaning at OSGrid. The largest OpenSim-based grid lost more than a third of its land area, falling from 7,530 to 4,962 regions as grid administrators clearedRead More →
UBM Studios launches virtual seminar center
Press Release: UBM Studios Introduces the Virtual Seminar Center, a 3D Environment for Conferences Chicago, IL — UBM Studios today announced a new 3D environment to help companies take advantage of the growing market opportunities in virtual business. The Virtual Seminar Center is an interactive environment integrating webcasts, training andRead More →
Common Use Cases For Virtual Events
Some event planners just know that they want to produce a virtual event. Others take a circuitous route to a virtual event, considering other options first. For those of you “on the fence†– you’re interested in virtual, but not sure if a virtual event makes sense right now, readRead More →
Virtual world lead generation
Ever since Second Life made virtual world a common reality, people have been trying to find ways to utilize this new-found platform for unimaginable reasons. Soon enough other companies cropped providing quick similar features. These include Active Worlds and Entropia Universe. They all mainly started as a virtual social gameRead More →
Your Audience is Just a Few Clicks Away
The virtual event space has heated up over the last year. That’s what a recent Unisfair survey of 500 technology marketing professionals revealed: 40 percent polled considered virtual events “one of the top emerging channels for lead generation in 2010 and beyond.â€Â Companies today look for an experienced virtual platformRead More →
The grid is another country
For the past year that I’ve been attending meetings in Second Life and OpenSim, I’ve been thinking of the virtual platforms as another kind of collaboration tool. I compare it to Web-based conferences and seminars. A few days ago, however, I read a blog post by Avril Korman, where, inRead More →
Virtual design group formed
Press release: Professional Virtua Designers Society Announced An integral part of the Fashion Research Institute is the Fashion Research Foundation, a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization located in New York. FRF is engaged in educational research using virtual worlds for education. Today, we are pleased to announce two upcoming sessions introducing theRead More →
Grant available for virtual butterfly exhibit
The New York-based Fashion Research Institute, Inc. is giving away five copies of its ground-breaking butterfly exhibit to researchers or educators. The exhibit, available in the form of an OpenSim archive file (an OAR) includes a copy of the entire Shengri La Chamomile region from Intel’s ScienceSim grid, with overRead More →
Study: Virtual goods help build brands
Press Release: Researchers Find Link Between Immersion and Virtual Buying Habits Planet Calypso and Florida State University proves selling items in a virtual space can yield better results than print, internet or TV advertising GOTEBORG, Sweden — First Planet Company, developer and publisher of the largest real cash economy MMORPG,Read More →
New report: state of the 3D Web
A new report was released today, providing a baseline measure of the state of the 3D Web, with contributions from Hypergrid Business writers and editors Maria Korolov, Jie Hu and Ankush Chibber. “We’ve only had the hypergrid for a little over a year, so it’s too early to see significantRead More →
Fear of piracy can be more damaging than piracy itself
According to information presented at a recent U.S. International Trade Commission hearing, piracy may be hurting companies less than previously though. Fritz Foley, an associate professor at Harvard Business School, told the commission that content producers often assume that a pirated copy of a product blocks the sale of anRead More →
Founder returns to Linden helm
Press release: Linden Lab Announces Management Changes SAN FRANCISCO, June 24 — Linden Lab®, creator of 3D virtual world Second Life®, announced today that company founder Philip Rosedale has been named interim CEO, and CFO Bob Komin has assumed the additional role of COO.  Linden Lab also announced that MarkRead More →
Gaming grid picks XR JEVN for commerce
Avination, a new OpenSim-based role playing virtual world focusing on combat play, has chosen the XR JEVN e-commerce platform from Extreme Reality, Inc., the companies announced today. Philadelphia-based Extreme Reality acquired the JEVN networked vendor system earlier this month. The platform is already widely used in Second Life, where itRead More →
Merck, ProtonMedia win innovation award
Press Release: Merck and ProtonMedia Win Microsoft Life Sciences Innovation Award 2010 Microsoft Recognizes Merck’s Industry-First Scientific Poster Session Held in ProtonMedia’s ProtoSphere 3-D Virtual Environment LANSDALE, Pa.–Microsoft Corp. has named Merck and Company, Inc. and ProtonMedia winners of the company’s Life Sciences Innovation Awards 2010. The awards, announced atRead More →
ScienceSim demos 1,000 avatars on a sim
Intel-backed ScienceSim grid ran a demo with over 1,000 avatars in a single region.Read More →
3Di OpenSim allows third-party logins
Tokyo-based 3Di Inc., will release the new version of its OpenSim server software on June 25, and the new release will allow the use of separate account registration systems. For example, if a retail company, say, allow customers to register on its website, those same registrations can be used toRead More →
Top OpenSim grids set new growth record
The top 40 OpenSim grids totaled 11,717 regions this month, a respectable 4 percent increase over last month’s 11,240. However, adjusted growth is up a record-high 1,377 regions — an increase of 13.3 percent. Why adjusted? ScienceSim has been running scalability tests, loading up 1,024 regions on a single serverRead More →
ProtonMedia, LiquidHub Partner Up in Life Sciences
Press Release: ProtonMedia and LiquidHub Form Technology and Services Partnership Companies team to provide life sciences organizations 3-D virtual collaboration and communication solutions integrated with Microsoft SharePoint and OCS LANSDALE, Pa.–ProtonMedia, the developer of the ProtoSphere virtual collaboration environment for the high-performance workplace, and LiquidHub, a global technology consulting andRead More →
VenueGen Offers Free Migration for Second Life Business Customers
Press Release: VenueGen Offers Free Migration Solution for Second Life Business Customers RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC- –  VenueGen, provider of a 3-D virtual meeting platform for collaborative meetings, training, and events today announced a migration solution for users of the Linden Labs Second Life virtual world platform. Linden Labs Second LifeRead More →
Citizant, Cranial Tap team up to help agencies visualize data in 3D
Press Release: Citizant and Cranial Tap Partner to Develop 3-D Environments for Collaboration, Training and Data Visualization In Federal Agencies Second Life environments will add new dimension to transparency and performance CHANTILLY, Va. — Citizant, a leader in federal information sharing and business modernization solutions, has partnered with Cranial Tap,Read More →
Web viewer a potential turning point for SL
Yesterday, Linden Lab CEO Mark Kingdon promised that Linden Lab is going to develop a Web-based viewer for Second Life. This is, potentially, a major turning point for the company. It could become a portal to the broader 3D Web — or just another closed virtual world, one of thousandsRead More →
3Di launches Android viewer for OpenSim
Tokyo-based 3Di, a leader in developing commercial viewers for Opensim, today announced a viewer that will run on Android smartphones. The company is currently recruiting industry partners to develop practical applications of this technology, and will share its platform with them. The platform can be used to develop online games,Read More →