Press Release: UBM Asia Presented the Shanghai Finance Virtual Career Fair, Targeted to Professionals in the Finance Industry Virtual Event Leader UBM Studios Provided Virtual Platform CHICAGO — UBM Asia presented the Shanghai Finance Virtual Career Fair on December 10-12, 2010, targeted to professionals in the finance industry. The two-dayRead More →

Press Release: Virtual Edge Institute Announces the Five Best and Worst Virtual Events Trends of 2010 Virtual Edge Institute released the organization’s inaugural “Five Best and Worst Virtual Events Trends of 2010” List Pleasanton, CA – In the spirit of end-of- year “best of” or “worst of” lists, the VirtualRead More →

I’m a believer in hybrid events and the benefits of extending reach through that strategy. Associations that go down the hybrid road, and make it financially attractive, are putting their profession ahead of profit. AND they will reap long-term benefits. Why I Am Not There On Pure Virtual Events Yet However,Read More →

Press release: Virtual Environment Leader UBM Studios Organizes for Growth in 2011 CHICAGO — UBM Studios, a global virtual service provider delivering turnkey interactive environments on the right platform, with superior service and world-class user engagement, today announced that it is organizing its team with new hires and promotions toRead More →

On a recent trip to London, I found myself sitting in a Yo! Sushi. As I watched the colored plates winding their way around the room, I noticed a poster on the wall advertising “Blue Plate Mondays” (any sushi plate for £2 as opposed to the usual £3-5). Since gameRead More →

Altus Unveils the First Hybrid Event Solution to Increase Engagement and ROI for Corporate Conferences and Events Altus Event MyStro(TM) Bridges the Gap Between In-Person, On-Line and On-Demand Events CAMPBELL, CA — Altus, a leader in enterprise on-demand rich media solutions for conferences, sales enablement, and knowledge sharing, today releasedRead More →

Press Release: Web3D Technology Boosts User Engagement for eTraining and Corporate Events: VenueGen CEO to Discuss at Virtual Edge Summit 2011 David Gardner will explore the potential of new in-browser meeting environments to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of dispersed business teams Morrisville, NC –For business to truly recoup valueRead More →

Companies looking to hold virtual conferences first have to decide whether to hold a Web-based conference – normally some combination of streaming video, live chats, slide shows, and social media – or one in an immersive environment. The immersive conference allows avatars to walk around inside a three-dimensional virtual environment,Read More →

Event management is tough… really tough. In fact, if you are an experienced event planner, you are probably one of the only people in the world that knows how to ship an elephant from Dallas to Alaska, negotiate with three vendors at the same time, or find 200,000 Lego bricksRead More →

Virtual environments are changing rapidly, and it’s sometimes hard to keep up with everything that’s going on. Here is a quick round up of the best options for the most common uses of virtual worlds for various types of enterprise needs. If you’re looking for a high-end, Fortune 500-caliber virtualRead More →

The script below works by pulling in data from the following page: Simply replace the URL at the top of the script with the codes for which region you want to go to. For example, you can use it to automatically look up the newest Retail destination, or theRead More →

The following is a script you can place on any object to turn it into a hypergrid teleportation portal. If you put it on something that looks like a giant blue swirly circle, everyone will know that it’s a hypergate. But you can also use it to create teleport buttonsRead More →

This year was a big one for OpenSim. Lots of growth, lots of technological breakthroughs. But some Hypergrid Business articles got more attention than others — and, thanks to the miracle of Google Analytics, we know exactly which ones. Here are the top 10 most-read articles of 2010. 10. OpenSimRead More →

In January of 2010, I made a few predictions about what I thought was going to happen with OpenSim this year. I was way off on most of them. The OpenSim developers will continue to call it “alpha software” This one, I got right. They’re still calling it “alpha software.Read More →

Grid owners with proprietary viewers can now add high-quality voice to their worlds Not yet included in Hippo, Imprudence — users must download add-on This week, vComm Solutions of Switzerland released the source code for Whisper, a high-quality voice option for OpenSim. Whisper supports directional voice and lip synching, andRead More →

Press Release: Second Life’s New Leader: Rod Humble Becomes CEO of Linden Lab MMO and Gaming Industry Visionary to Bring New Life to Second Life SAN FRANCISCO — Linden Lab®, creator of 3D virtual world Second Life®, today announced that Rod Humble has become the company’s Chief Executive Officer. HumbleRead More →

Press release: students spend 15 hours a week in English City Outside of Class time. Languagelab, creator of English City based in Second Life, have found that students spend on average 15 hours a week practicing in English City excluding scheduled class time. Languagelab, creator of English City basedRead More →

Press Release: UBM Built Environment Presents ‘Sustainability Now,’ Targeted to Built Environment Professionals and Their Clients – Now Available On Demand Virtual Event Leader UBM Studios Provided 3D Platform CHICAGO — UBM Built Environment, in conjunction with BD, Building, and Property Week Magazines, presented the fifth installment of “Sustainability Now,”Read More →

Press Release: ON24 Announces Enterprise Webcasting for Internal Communications New Capabilities Enable ‘Behind the Firewall’ Webcasts SAN FRANCISCO, CA– ON24, Inc., the global leader in webcasting and virtual event solutions, announced today that it is providing full support for webcasts used in internal communications applications. A collection of services, theRead More →

Press Release: Leading Providers to Create Virtual Environments Around the Virtual Edge Summit 2011 Global audiences will have access to Summit content and networking via 6Connex, Digitell, Expos2, INXPO, Social27 and Unisfair virtual experiences Pleasanton, CA –Today, the Virtual Edge Summit 2011 ( announced that the Summit content will beRead More →

OpenSim grids hit yet another new peak this month, with 15,094 regions on the top 40 grids, an 11  percent increase from last month’s 13,564 regions — a gain of 1,530 new regions. Meanwhile, total registered users on these grids grew 5 percent from 140,053 in mid November to 147,565Read More →

Press Release: Novell Announces Winners of First Annual ‘Dister’ Awards Radical Breeze’s ‘Illumination Software Creation Station’ and Anderware’s ‘Hypergrid to Go’ win $10,000 prizes in showcase for creating innovative software appliances WALTHAM, Mass. — Novell today announced the winners of its First Annual ‘Dister’ Awards, handing out two $10,000 grandRead More →

The following is an excerpt from a new book, Generate Sales Leads With Virtual Events. I can vividly recall my first experience exhibiting at a trade show.  It was the early 1990’s and I was fresh out of college.  I worked for a company that sold Internet connections to corporations. Read More →

The numbers are in on virtual. After being immersed in all things virtual the last four months through my work with the Virtual Edge Summit, it was interesting to attend IAEE last week and be brought back into the world of association and for-profit trade show producers who still haven’tRead More →

Press Release: Virtual Events Mean Less Time at the Airport, More Time in Pajamas ON24 survey: executives extol the personal benefits of virtual events SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.—Based on the results of the latest survey conducted by ON24, Inc., the global leader in webcasting and virtual event solutions, over 1,000 participantsRead More →

SpotOn3D will hold a benchmark test on Wednesday, December 15 to determine the difference in performance of OpenSim version 0.7.1 and OpenSim 0.6.9 when they run in the cloud. According to SpotOn3D co-founder and COO Tessa Kinney-Johnson, the test will be conducted from 2 to 3 p.m. SLT (Pacific time)Read More →

Press Release: ON24 to Host Virtual Conference for Virtual Events Users ‘It’s VUE Time!’ Says VUE2010 Emcee MC Hammer SAN FRANCISCO, CA– ON24, Inc. the global leader in webcasting and virtual event solutions, announced today that the company is hosting on December 14 the VUE2010 Virtual Events User Experience. ThisRead More →

Here at Hypergrid Business we spend a lot of time touring virtual environments, and we often find them difficult to navigate, inconsistent, and hard to use. But one of the world’s biggest corporate users of virtual worlds — IBM — is hoping to change that. With a new set ofRead More →

Sure we’re advocates of virtual meetings. But we’re not foolish enough to think a day will come — soon or ever — when face-to-face meetings go away. That’s just not going to happen. And the reasons are simple. They are absolutely the best way to build relationships and a senseRead More →

Press Release: Online Science Project Launched by CU Nobel Laureate Receives $2.5 Million to Enhance Middle School Science Two students tweak the ramp of a skateboarder in Energy Skate Park, sending her on a steep track that ends in a wild loop. They measure the energy of her motion asRead More →

One of the key early decisions to game design or creating a virtual currency platform is designing the price and exchange rate of virtual currency. Unfortunately after it’s been released, it’s also one of the most difficult to change, because the change impacts the userbase and economy of the systemRead More →

Press Release: Onstream Media and Trade Show News Network Release Findings of Groundbreaking Virtual Event Survey POMPANO BEACH, FL – Onstream Media Corporation, a leading online service provider of live and on-demand Internet broadcasting, corporate web communications and virtual marketplace technology, and Trade Show News Network (TSNN), the world’s leadingRead More →

Last week, ProtonMedia made a formal announcement about a project I first reported on in September  of this year that ProtoSphere, the 3D enterprise collaboration and learning tool, is  now fully integrated with Microsoft’s  Lync Server 2010. The Lync server is a software product that unifies enterprise voice, instant messagingRead More →

Press release: SpotOn3D announces collaborative partnership with Purdue University The Virtual Collaboration Laboratory within the Purdue University Department of Organizational Leadership and Supervision (College of Technology) announces the beginning of a collaborative partnership with SpotOn3D — a software firm whose main objective is to bridge the gap between the 2DRead More →

San Francisco-based Tipodean Technologies will open its Canvas Web-based viewer next week to a select group of beta testers, but Hypergrid Business got a sneak peek this week. A test version of the viewer will go live on Monday. “We will see how big of a load it is,” saidRead More →

ReactionGrid released a groups module for OpenSim this week and announced plans to upgrade to the next version of OpenSim “early next year.” According to its announcement, ReactionGrid’s group module will be rolled out to all region on ReactionGrid over the next two weeks. ReactionGrid doesn’t just run its oneRead More →

Expos2 to Showcase V3 Platform at Virtual Edge Summit 2011 Ashland, OR – Expos2, the most competitively priced virtual events provider and industry leader based on number of events sold, today announced the company’s participation at the Virtual Edge Summit 2011, scheduled on January 12-13, 2011, at the MGM ConventionRead More →

California-based Katalabs has just released a free iPad and iPhone-friendly Web-based virtual world viewer, KataSpace, which works in conjunction with the open source Sirikata virtual world server software. KataSpace is built on the WebGL and HTML 5 Web standards, which means it will run in browsers without a plugin, andRead More →

Press Release: ON24’s Webcasting Market Share Leadership Earns Prestigious Industry Recognition SAN FRANCISCO, CA– ON24, Inc., the global leader in webcasting and virtual event solutions, announced today that it has received — for the second year in a row — one of the prestigious Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards. ThisRead More →

WonderSchool, a startup formed by Els Von Tol and myself, is a portal for schools where they can build their own virtual world, or use an existing one, and give their users access to software programs.  Today, WonderSchool offers live Alice workshops for teachers in the Netherlands and Germany. AliceRead More →

Press Release: I/ITSEC: Unity Powers 3D Virtual Training Simulations for the Defense, Military, Aerospace and Homeland Security Industries ORLANDO, FL and SAN FRANCISCO, CA– Unity Technologies, provider of the Unity development platform for games and interactive 3D on the web, iOS, Android, consoles and beyond, announced that D2 TEAM-Sim andRead More →

Press Release: Teleplace to Showcase Immersive Government Collaboration and Training Deployments at I/ITSEC 2010 Conference Attendees Will Learn How Air Force, Army, Navy, vGov Use Teleplace for Virtual Enterprise-Class Training Environments ORLANDO, Fla.–Teleplace, Inc., the leading provider of enterprise-class immersive collaboration and learning solutions, today announced it is exhibiting atRead More →

Like many aspects of life sciences today, speaker programs are being cut due to budgetary constraints and the tightening regulatory landscape. I read a recent article by Bill Cooney in PharmaExec that highlighted this trend, reporting that speaker program activity is down 30 percent or more at most pharmaceutical companies.Read More →

Much has been discussed and written about virtual environments achieving levels of immersion and interactivity that rival (and some believe exceed) face-to-face meetings. Much has also been written about increasing the retention of information shared in world. Interacting in a virtual environment But to many, the whys and hows surroundingRead More →

Much has been said in recent years regarding the benefits and substantial returns an organisation can achieve by integrating an Online 3D Environment into their everyday operations. Indeed, examples and demonstrations of the power and financial savings 3D collaboration can bring to businesses have been researched, developed, trialed and documentedRead More →

Press Release: Tipodean launches Canvas, a Web-based viewer for Second Life and OpenSim, which is built using Unity 3D Tipodean Technologies is pleased to announce the preview launch of Canvas, a web-based viewer for both Second Life and Opensim. Licensed from IBM, Canvas is unique in that it is highlyRead More →

It’s easy to get frustrated with the pace of technological change. My wish list of OpenSim features gets longer with every day that I use the platform — but I’ll save it for my Christamas wish list post. Today, I want to express how thankful I am for what hasRead More →