Since it was founded in 2009, we’ve had more than 8.1 million pageviews on Hypergrid Business and published over 3,2000 articles by more than 230 different writers. On a typical month, between 30,000 and 50,000 unique visitors come to the site.
Do you want to advertise your grid, service, event or content to our readers? The ad is free! To get your ad, just email the image and link to
Here are the requirements:
- It must be related to OpenSim.
- The image needs to be 300 pixels wide by 250 high, in either JPG or GIF format.
- The link needs to go to either your landing page, or to a post on social media, or to your Kitely Market product listing, and the page needs to be relevant to the ad.
We reserve the right to decline ads that promote illegal content or illegal activity. We will happily run ads from both closed and open grids and for competing publications.
Here is how we decide which ads to run higher than others:
- Limited time-ads, such as ads for events happening soon, or sales about to end, go first.
- Ads that have special offers, discounts, or new products go higher.
- Funny or clever or really cute ads go higher.
- Ads that have old images that haven’t been updated in a long time, or are just your logo, go lower down.
Some resources:
To get your ad, just email the image and link to

Hypergrid Business is the virtual world magazine for professional interested in the latest developments. Hypergrid Business very much helps us to get in contact with potential OpenSim hosting customers. Hypergrid Business definitively is one of our key marketing channels.
— Dierk Brunner, CEO, Dreamland Metaverse

I’ve been advertising with Hypergrid Business in their OpenSim Vendor Directory for almost a year and am very pleased with the exposure I’ve gotten for my business. My website has been visited by people on every continent in the world and you just can’t find a better deal than that. If you’re looking to advertise, I would highly recommend Hypergrid Business.
– David C, Cranmer, President, Virtual Event Planners International

The ads in Hypergrid Business brought me new business and helped create brand awareness.
— Enrico Ranucci, SASSO