More than 300 responses came in for this year’s Ninth Annual OpenSim Grid Survey, and Sacrarium received the highest overall scores, followed by Virtual Brasil, Utopia Skye, Kitely, Tranquility Grid, DigiWorldz, Discovery Grid, OSgrid and DreamNation, in that order.

Between them, the respondents had visited nearly 200 different grids, and named 43 different grids as their primary homes. DigiWorldz was the grid that was home to the most respondents, followed by Discovery Grid and DreamNation.

OSgrid, OpenSim’s largest and oldest grid, was the most visited, followed by DigiWorldz and Kitely.
Most residents said they were very happy with their grids — 90 percent would “absolutely” recommend them to others, 7 percent said “maybe” and the rest would not recommend, or did not know.
When asked how they would grade their grid’s technology, Sacrarium got the highest scores, followed by Virtual Brazil and Kitely.

In support, Kitely scored tops, followed by Sacrarium and Discovery Grid.

For community, Sacrarium led the rankings again, followed by Utopia Skye and Virtual Brasil. Utopia Skye is a new grid in the OpenSim ecosystem, and was a write-in vote.

In content, Virtual Brasil was the leader, followed by Sacrarium and Utopia Skye.

For the latest list of all grids on the OpenSim platform — or some fork of it — check out our Active Grids List.
Other Comments
The following are representative comments about the grids. There were more than 50 comments in all, some of them quite lengthy, and if anyone wants to see them, just email me at In addition to leaving out some of the repetitive comments, I’ve also skipped those that had negative personal attacks or that seemed libelous. I also edited out any personally identifying information.
Craft World
“I am an educator and I look for specific activities, content and communities. Had I been something else, my answer could have been totally different, of course.”
“DigiWorldz is an excellent grid . . . the good thing about Digiworldz is they have an excellent support system, staff-wise as well as peer support. The Rodin Group is an excellent source of support as well as Reflection Friday Group. Reflection Friday started off as a Group for people that were having issues with others bullying them. Gray Dellwood is the owner of both groups that I have mentioned here. He is a wise and resourceful individual who truly cares for the people behind those avatars and will go the gazzilianth extra mile to make sure that people are cared for and nurtured in a POSITIVE way. A lot of issues have been resolved in my own v/l by attending Reflection Friday. It’s no longer a group just for people who have been bullied, it’s a very positive and uplifting group where people come to sit around and chit chat about the happenings going on in there v/l and even r/l, as well. The Rodin Group is more of where people who want to Support the ongoings of Digiworldz, like where people come to meet and talk about how to make Digiworldz a better community, what can we do to make Digiworldz a thriving community. What projects shall we work on to make Digiworldz a place where people that want to connect can have a positive and a happier experience. Which area needs the most work on to make it a more positive influence. Things like that . . . the offshoot of the Rodin Group is now 3 classes. #1 started with Liam offering to teach his ongoing scripting class. Then #2 started when Gray offered to teach a class on prim making and #3 started when Greg offered to teach QAvanimator . . . ( sure that I spelled that wrong so please forgive me). Where the Rodin group will be going from here, who knows, but . . . I’m very sure that it’s going to be going in the right direction and making Digiworldz a much better place to live and interact . . . I am always asked after putting in a support ticket to Digi Staff . . . what can we do to make Digi a better place to live . . . and my response is and always will be . . . NOTHING . . . cuz Butch, TR & Nox, in my opinion are doing the utmost excellent job . . . . much more than any other grid that I know of or have been to . . . and I have been to a LOT of grids!!! . . . via HG mostly, but I have created avies in other grids but haven’t touched most of them cuz Digi is where I am at . . . Digi is my home . . . Digi is a pleasure to call my virtual family . . . I have made some genuine real life friends because of Digi . . . and I have learned oh so so much there.”
“I have avatars on several hypergrid enabled worlds, but DigiWorldz is the only where I have chosen to buy land. I also remain an active sim owner in Second Life, so that says something about how much I like DigiWorldz.”
“I have tried many OpenSim grids after starting VR in Second Life. DigiWorldz is by far the best.”
“I love DigiWorldz. This is the best grid to be in. the management is excellent and so helpful. Management is also fast to clear up any support issues. Not like some places where you wait around for days before they even get to a ticket. The opportunities in this grid are phenomenal. I have had the opportunity to improve my skills, learn new skills and teach classes of the skills I have. I think that I came here in February of 2017, right at the perfect time. I never felt this connected in Second Life. I have a great sense of community here. Also being in an OpenSim hypergrid I can visit other places, but will always consider DigiWorldz my home grid. I have business on the grid and I get to meet many new people that are coming to the grid. That gives me the opportunity to help show some around or pass them LMs to places they may have an interest. Just last night I got an IM from someone that asked if I knew where someone could get a certain item. I did, and showed them. In the process I made three new friends. What a joy that is! I have been to grids where there is no one on the grid when I am there. That is just not a place I want to reside in Virtual. I am a social person and I am a creator, so I want to have the ability to create and socialize. DigiWorldz has a group of peers that teach classes for many skills. The Metaverse University in DigiWorldz, is a wonderful place to get a foothold in virtual. What else can I say Digi is the best!”
“I was in InWorldz before that travesty of a shutdown, I was received here by a friendly community.”
“If it weren’t for management’s belief in the protection of my work, and the support capabilities of all the DigiWorldz staff, I’d have remained in Second Life. I’ve grown to appreciate the DigiWorldz grid and the community more than I could have believed possible. As a note, even though I marked the content as pretty good, I refuse to return to a grid where it appears the content is pirated. Show me pretty good original content, and I’m thrilled.”
“It is my extreme pleasure to be around innovative and caring residents from the DigiWorldz grid. This makes the grid for me. Experiencing this climate of creativity, friendship and cooperation is a daily inspiration to me. The Rodin Group and the Reflection Friday meetings are just two excellent examples.”
“Proud to call Digi my home now. Butch Arnold is a great owner and Nox as his right hand keeps things running smoothly.”
“The service on DigiWorldz is excellent, fast and efficient.”
“Very helpful when issues arise.”
“I had been in another grid for nine years and never enjoyed it as much as I do DigiWorldz, the team is fantastic and would highly recommend this grid to anyone.”
Discovery Grid
“For a relative young grid — since InWorldz fell — the owners do all they can to make it super. :)”
“I cannot say enough about not only the team members who run the grid, but, also, about the community there. Everyone is so helpful in so many ways. One gets the feeling all of us pull together to help one another with any question, problem, needed advice with regard to anything to do with virtual from how to get past a problem with a build to where to get what inworld or on the grid. Staff goes above and beyond, always helpful, and always happy to help. ”
“This is a newer grid, the staff is very helpful, friendly and attentive. The cost of regions is very low, It has lots of room for sailing and flying, and a great community.”
Dynamic Worldz
“Especially Thursday night karaoke at HARMONY.”
“Have recommended this grid and would do so again.. Danny Cruise is awesome!
Great Canadian Grid
“The sense of community on GCG is the best of any grid I’ve been on. It feels like your hometown.”
GreekLife Grid
“Stable, friendly and fast service.”
“The grid owner (Hyacinth Jewell) is a highly creative and tireless non-core developer, always looking to make the Opensim experience better with code tweaks and external apps tying in with the Grid.”
Infiniti Grid
“A new grid as of August 2018, offering community in a different type of Mainlands and Private sims.”
“As one of the co-founders, I’m very impressed with how far we have come with updates, and our residents’ content in a few short months since we opened our doors. Our mainland is fully explorable with ongoing builds for something new every time someone visits. Our Mentor Isle/Learning Center has wonderful self-guided lessons for those who wish to learn building and we have an open air class room that is free for anyone who wants to use it. We’re diving into VAR regions (both private and mainland) and Satyr Farms, our region crossings on the traditional sims are overall very good. We’re small, growing slowly and working hard. There is always room for improvement with any grid and we strive to constantly provide the best in service providing for our residents and visitors alike.”
“A very fast response to questions, both from the grid owner and community. Very timely and helpful on every query.”
“Great sim performance. Helping community. Wonderful landscaped sims. The owners are very helpful and fast with troubleshooting as well. 😀 ”
“Seanchai Library has been presenting Live Events nightly in Kitely, simulcast with the same event in SL linked with Video Feed and Intergrid Chatlink. A bridging of the Grid Divide!”
OpenSim Life
“Opensim Life has an amazing and welcoming community of creatives and builders. The main thing I like about this grid is its focus on the social aspects of community building. The tag line for the grid says it all: for ‘social, not stuff’.”
“Owner is personally engaged with his grid and all the events there. The grid always runs the latest technology yet is very stable. Superior support for my in-world store as well.”
“I have done tech support for several Mac folks to help them set up sims in OSgrid and they all seem happy with the grid.”
“It needs rules and a better Terms of Service.”
“It’s a wasteland for commerce, but there are a lot of nice people and great events every week.
“OSgrid is MUCH better than Second Life, and the people are much friendlier. There’s a real community.”
“OSgrid is the only grid that actually matters in the metaverse.”
“The grid with the most freedom and access to the latest technology changes. Complete freedom to backup both full regions and avatar inventories with no filtering.”
One OSgrid resident submitted a song in lieu of comment:
“Sacrarium grid is better for me than other grids because I find here more calm and friendly community and a lot of good content. And most important for me here have no dramas. If you try to make drama in Sacrarium you can be banned here. I like this local rule. After my hard routine days I need only virtual rest and a bit of good emotions. So, I find it all here.”
“Respect for creators.”
“БыÑÑ‚Ñ€Ð°Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ñ€ÑƒÐ·ÐºÐ°, отзывчивые админы и Ñоздатели грида!” (Translation: “The grid loads quickly, and the admins and founders and very responsive!”)
“КраÑÐ¸Ð²Ð°Ñ Ñетка, приÑтные люди.” (Translation: “Beautiful grid, pleasant people.”
“ПоÑтаралиÑÑŒ на Ñлаву Ñоздатели!” (Translation: “A superb effort by the founders!”)
TanGLe Grid
“TanGLe Grid isn’t just a grid but a virtual home. People go out of their way to help. The founders are there to get things done very quickly and always ask how or what can be done to make improvements. I really like the expos they put on lots of neat things to pick up and see what others are doing. The drama free environment is also great. They been around for five years now and how they lay things out is easy to find if you need something. It may be a commercial grid with hypergrid travel but you can be assured they do their very best to make sure creators items are well protected. You need to visit to see what I mean about it being a great place to call home.”
Tranquility Grid
“The staff is very welcoming and friendly and the whole grid is very peaceful. Great DJs and live singers are amazing!”
Utopia Skye
“Although this is a new grid the owners are very experienced and have an excellent attitude not only towards their Beta Testers but also to the Hypergrid as a whole. They believe in sharing ideas and technologies and keep their residents informed every step of the way. I am very experienced with virtual living but I really believe this is one to watch for the future.”
“Community is the spearpoint of this grid.”
Virtual Brasil
“Otima grade otimo suporte metade das pessoas boas.” (Translation: “Great grid, great support, good people.”)
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