The third annual Summer of Arts 2015 virtual arts event begins on September 25.
Metropolis Grid hosts this event to give cyber artists an opportunity to display their works to a wide audience. The art displayed ranges from audio-visual installations and theater projects to paintings and cyberart objects.
A special thanks should be given to Oddball Otoole for creating the 20’s themed scenarios for the two Summer of Arts regions.
After the opening on the 25th, the exhibition will host live performances from musicians and poetic readings in both English and German. Summer of Arts 2015 will run from September 25 until October 31, 2015.

This expo would be nothing without the fantastic artists who began signing up in July.
Participating artists include Jorink Devin, Cherry Manga, Wizardoz Chrome, Praline B, Ana Voog, Avia Bonne, Giovanna Cerise, Oddball Otoole, Fuschia Nightfire, Caro Fayray, Carda Mom, Snowie Haiku, Rig Torok, Miguel Rotunno, Sina Souza, doong susu, Pixel Prim, Arielle Delamerlibre, Daco Monday, Ben Oldenburg, Violetta Carolina, Art Eames, Linda Diva, Oopsee Joseppe, ChapTer Kronfeld, Lucy Afarensis, Po Toocool, Angus Vapor, Jeff Hall, Moewe Winkler, Atari Patrucci, Wordfromthe Wise, Torben Asp, Art Blue, Chiria Celt and Karin Ferrari.
Also the famous Ana Voog, first daily blogger, cyber artist and cyber punker, owner of one of the most visited websites in this century, will be having her own exhibition at Summer of Arts 2015. You can view her announcement on the Metropolis Forums.
You can find out more about the rest of the artists here.

“The Metaverse does not ask about borders, it is a place for everyone, with all our differences,” said FrancoGrid’s Praline Barjowski, in a statement. “This type of event is the best way to connect with each other. And cultural events are the best link we can share.”
For more info on Summer of Arts 2015, you can visit the website here.
For more info on the events going on at Summer of Art 2015, you can view the schedule here.

- Seasonal events on the hypergrid - December 23, 2015
- Devil’s dozen Halloween events - October 29, 2015
- Kitely Merchants Fair starts Sunday - October 17, 2015