Rumor: Microsoft to premiere 3D headset at E3

Update: VR Focus and TechRadar have both confirmed that Microsoft has actually released its prototype virtual reality headset to a group of early developers.

Microsoft is rumored to be planning to mass produce a head-worn virtual gaming device in 2015 and is expected to showcase the product at the E3 gaming show in June, according to anonymous sources from the upstream supply chain, reported Taiwan’s Digitimes this week.

Rumors about a new headset, designed to work with the XBox One, first hit print last spring. For example, Road to VR reported about a “Project Neo” headset.

XBox One. (Image courtesy Microsoft.)
XBox One. (Image courtesy Microsoft.)

This isn’t Microsoft’s first foray into virtual reality. Check out the RoomAlive demo below.

With Sony, Facebook, and Google all already in the race, that just leaves one major player — Apple — without an offering.


Maria Korolov