OpenSim used to create art for card game

(Image courtesy Ener Hax via Flickr.)
(Image courtesy Ener Hax via Flickr.)

Ener Hax is using the Sim-on-a-Stick distribution of OpenSim to create artwork for a new card game, Mint Tin Villagers.

Previously, she used the same approach to create art for a previous game, Mint Tin Aliens, which will have a Kickstarter in a month.

Read the full post here.

Thanks to Wagner Au of New World Notes for the heads up!

In this particular case, all the content is being created from scratch. But a quick reminder for others looking to do the same thing — if you’re using the resulting pictures in a commercial setting, make sure that the content you use to create the illustrations has the appropriate licenses. Or, to be on the safe side, only use CCo licensed content such as that by Linda Kellie — and Ener Hax herself, who calls it the Enerific license.


Maria Korolov