SANWA deploys 3DI OpenSim Enterprise

Press Release: Starting Today: 3Di, Inc. Enables 3D Virtual Internet Shopping Experiences by Deploying 3Di OpenSim Enterprise to SANWA 3D INTERNET LAB

TOKYO — 3Di, Inc., which develops and offers 3D Internet solutions, is proud to announce that 3Di OpenSim Enterprise, 3Di’s server software for construction of 3D virtual worlds for enterprises, has been deployed to Sanwa Direct, the Internet shopping site run by SANWA SUPPLY INC. SANWA SUPPLY INC. is a major company which develops and wholesales computer supplies and peripherals.

Newly introduced and released today: SANWA 3D INTERNET LAB, the new 3D web contents for the Internet shopping site Sanwa Direct.

Features of 3Di OpenSim Enterprise deployed to Sanwa Direct:

— Original 3D virtual worlds, which SANWA SUPPLY INC. can operate on their own server

— Seamless connections with their web contents

— Import of 3D data from software such as 3dsMax and Maya.


By making full use of these features of 3Di OpenSim Enterprise, SANWA SUPPLY INC. can now freely arrange products created by 3D data in 3D virtual worlds constructed on their own server. Furthermore, SANWA SUPPLY INC. can display products in 3D images on web pages, by 3Di’s original viewer, 3Di OpenViewer, embedded into HTML web pages.

The newly added 3D web contents enhance existing web-based product information in text or images, by providing information such as shape and size, which have been difficult to convey in traditional 2D web pages.

3Di OpenSim

3Di’s server software for the construction of original 3D virtual worlds. It is the world’s first server software specifically designed for enterprises and based on OpenSim. 3D virtual worlds constructed by 3Di OpenSim can be viewed on web sites by 3Di’s original viewer, 3Di OpenViewer, embedded into HTML web pages. 3Di OpenSim is attracting attention as a product to achieve the next-generation Internet, 3D Internet.