A new art installation has its grand opening today, Monday, Sep. 12, at 1 p.m. Pacific time on the Craft World grid, the second contribution to the Ukraine Borderland Art Project.
The installation, Ukraine Victory 2025, is by artist Rage Darkstone.
The hypergrid address is craft-world.org:8002:Ukraine

The installation is a “lyrical and fantastic depiction of Ukraine’s military victory by the year 2025,” according to the artist.
“In my building performances, I create and use a variety of avatar outfits, NPCs, particles, streaming video media, while rezzing and derrezing prim and mesh statues, changing the windlight environment, all this accompanied by my choice of music and dance,” Darkstone told Hypergrid Business.
Visitors are invited to arrive fifteen minutes early and to prepare for a highly immersive experience. The dress code is blue and gold, the colors of the Ukrainian national flag.

The name Ukraine comes from the word for “borderland,” or the land between borders, curator Reiner Schneeberger told Hypergrid Bbusiness. Schneeberger is also known as “Art Blue” in-world.
The Ukraine Borderland Art Project is an invitation-only series of exhibits that look at how Ukraine will look in five, ten, or 200 years. It is also part of the Relay for Ukraine, a metaverse-based fundraising project with more than 20,000 members that uses events and sponsorships to raise money to reconstruct Ukraine.

Ukraine Victory 2025, is the second exhibit in the Ukraine Borderland Art project. The first, last month, was Ukraine 2025, an art installation and concert by Terra Merhyem. Read our previous article here.
Each art installation will be up for 30 days, and then the next one will take over, said Schneeberger.
The older installations will continue to be preserved online, including at Santorini Biennale Immersivia, he said.
“Art is mainly a political act.” Kikos Papadopoulos, founding director of Santorini Biennale, told Hypergrid Business.
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