Gay Nation offers free shops on AviWorlds grid


(Image courtesy Gay Nation.)

Gay Nation, which is an area on the AviWorlds grid dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community, is offering free spaces for shops, businesses, venues, recreational activities, and hypergrid travel agencies.

Anyone can request space, including residents of other grids, as long as their offerings are of service to the LGBTQ+ community or are LGBTQ+ friendly.

Spaces will be given on a first come basis, said Pride Vice, owner of Gay Nation who is also an AviWorlds admin.

“This is not to move your region or leave-your-region type of opportunity,” he told Hypergrid Business. “This is an opportunity to become part of a collective of businesses that support and promote one another.”

Those interested can contact Vice via his Facebook page or Opensimworld page.

“Gay nation is a collective of people from multiple grids, again these people have not left their grids or regions behind,” he said. “They have just added something to the Gay Nation region which also promotes their region on whatever grid that they have chosen to reside on. However, just a reminder that this is a LGBTQ+ space and hatred, arrogance, discrimination, and bigotry will not be tolerated.”

He said it is not related to the old Gay Nations grid. The region is a non-residential adult region and does not accept child avatars or underage roleplay of any kind.

The area currently hosts the Gay Nation market — with free shop space where anyone can sell and promote their content — a gym, a comedy club, party clubs, a bar, a park, and a hang-out cafe.

Coming soon are a DJ performance bar and the University of Sexuality, which will provide education to the LGBTQ+ community with courses on multiple topics of the LGBTQ+ community interests and where visitors will find information on the 500 sexuality types. Also planned are a bathhouse and sauna, and one more dance club.