Breadables creator oYo, formerly based on the now-defunct InWorldz grid, has found a new home — the Tag Grid.
The True to Life horses have concluded a successful beta test and will be officially released this Friday, Sept. 14.
“We will gather at 8 a.m. for a party and count down the arrivals,” oYo Breedables owner Alfredo Zapatero said in a statement released today.
Tag was one of the top five destinations for former InWorldz residents, according to our reader poll this summer, and the only closed grid that got a significant number of votes.
“The Tag owners have worked with us very closely and continue to do so with an open-door policy that welcomes communication from all residents as they continue to make improvements by listening to feedback from their community and invite any questions to them directly,” said Zapatero.

The decision not to wait around for Islandz, the official successor to InWorldz, was taken after “careful consideration, multiple discussions within the owner and management team and a few sleepless nights,” he added.
“This decision has not been an easy one but one we have had to make based on what we feel is right for oYo as a company and for our breeders,” he said. “The whole oYo team were very sad to see InWorldz close as this has been oYos home since the start and while losing the breedables was hard the most upsetting thing was our loss of community, and while many continue to explore other worlds we have started to gather once more in Tag and we hope you will join us at oYos new home. ”
Since many former InWorldz residents lost the content they had acquired over years on that grid, oYo will be offering new free animals to their old customers.
“We feel the loss too,” he said. “So, we have decided to offer all previous InWorldz breeders a free big pack of horses and then a big pack of another animal of your choice when these become available. We will also be offering everyone a free special horse as a welcome oYo to Tag gift.”
Contact oYo manager Kels Foxclaw in-world for more information.
“We already have some names and faces you will recognize along with some of the old places with a new look,” said Zapatero. “We have weekly breeders chats every Thursday and are currently planning our first breeders bash and classes.”
What Tag offers for content creators with proprietary scripts
Of particular interest to creators of high-end scripted content, Tag is one of the few OpenSim grids left that is not hypergrid-enabled.
The hypergrid allows users to teleport from one grid to another as easily as they teleport between regions on a single grid, and also allows the movement of messages and content — but it also allows thieves the opportunity to snag the source code of scripts.
The hypergrid offers no additional dangers for most content creators, since thieves can use copybotters on closed grids and, in fact, most pirated content is stolen on Second Life. Copybotters can grab an item’s appearance — but not the scripts that go with it.
Some OpenSim grids, like Kitely, filter content to allow creators to keep certain items from being exported via OAR downloads or simply by being carried over by teleporting users. But most do allow any content to travel to other grids, allowing people to take items to grids where change the permissions to allow them to see the scripts. For example, someone running a grid on a home computer has full access to that grid’s asset database, as well as to “god powers” that allow them to change the ownership of any item.
As a result, creators of high-end, proprietary scripts who want to protect those scripts should opt for closed grids like Tag, Virtual Highway, or DreamNation — or open grids like Kitely that have filtering systems in place to keep those scripts from leaving the grid.
Creators should check with the grid ownersto find out what filtering systems their grids have in place before investing time and money.
In addition, if they decide to sell their content on the Kitely Market, they should make sure that the items are set to non-exportable, so that they can only be bought and used on the Kitely grid.
The Tag Grid does offer other features common to grids that run the latest OpenSim code, including low prices and variable-sized regions.
A standard, 15,000-prim region on Tag costs just $15 a month, and it can be configured as a two-by-two or a four-by-four variable-sized region at no additional cost. Additional prims are $5 per 5,000 prims. Full details here.
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