Editor: This is a contributed announcement from Tag Grid.

The Adult Grid has changed its name to Tag Grid. We can still be reached on our old URL and we are in the process of changing the whole site to reflect the new name.
We have changed the name as many people have been scared of the word “adult” in the name as we were perceived as a porn grid. This is not what Tag Grid is about as you will see if you visit us — we are “a virtual world built of dreams.”
We offer a very warm welcome to all. We are still a closed grid for people over the age of 18 only and all our Tag-owned regions are adult rated, but that does not mean you will see sex everywhere you go. Tag has more of a mature and classy nature.
The grid is owned by Constanza Amsterdam, Darieth White and Lord Sullivan since December 2015 and the grid started in 2014. White has been the developer since the beginning. We have all worked hard with the staff and mentors and residents to create a great relaxed and fun place to be, where everyone has a voice and community is first.
We will announce a new logo design competition on Wednesday, August 1, for the website and for Tag Grid.
We have a marketplace, mainland rentals for those that do not want a full sim, welcome and education centers and many free areas to use and most importantly a warm welcome from all.

“Tag Grid is a virtual world where support is fast, where solutions are found, the staff and mentors are friendly and very helpful and will always communicate with each other to solve peoples in-world problems,” said grid resident Katia Boop.
“Tag is so unlike a lot of grids over time it has become an extended family for me,” said resident Emily Slinkycub. “Not many places in a virtual world where you are remembered by name and missed when you aren’t here.”
Come and have a look at TAG grid and see for yourselves what TAG Grid can offer you.
https://the adultgrid.com
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