Keng City honors Black History Month with new museum on DigiWorldz

Martin Luther King delivers is “I Have a Dream” speech at 1963 march on Washington. (Image via Wikimedia Commons.)

Keng City will open a new museum on Wednesday, February 1 on the DigiWorldz grid to celebrate Black History Month.

The museum will showcase African-American accomplishments and events throughout history starting with the slave trade to present day inventors and innovators. Although they will not exhibit everything owing to space limitations but they did a varied assortment of historical achievements by black Americans.

“We plan to actually expand on it,” region co-owner Antoinnette Keng told Hypergrid Business. “This is not a temporary exhibit. Plus, we know our history began before the slave trade and African Americans continue to make history every day.”

Displays at Keng City. (Image courtesy Keng City.)

The highlights exhibited include abolitionism and the underground railroad, the Harlem Renaissance, Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the first African-American woman in space.

Displays at Keng City. (Image courtesy Keng City.)

President Obama will also be featured at the entrance to the museum.

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