Tangle Grid has released the participation numbers for the Hypergrid Hunts conducted this year, and participation peaked in the spring.
More than 150 different users have participated in the hunts since they were launched a year ago.

In the first hunt of the year, which ran from  January 31 to March 1, 2016, there were 87 regions on 22 different grids participating, and 30 players joined the hunt.
In the spring hunt, which ran from April 15 to May 25, 122 regions on 26 grids participated, with 79 players.
In the summer hunt, Â which ran from July 1 to August 6, 64Â regions on 17 grids participated, with 35 players.
The most recent hunt, which ran from October 3 to November 7, 48  regions on 14 grids participated, with 26 players.

For grids and region owners, the hunts are an opportunity to expose the wider hypergrid community to their destinations. Players who participated got a chance to compete for prizes — cash, virtual content, and virtual reality headsets.
Participating grids included 2Open, Craft World, Dreamscape Grid, Dynamic Worldz,  Great Canadian Grid, Hyperica, Kitely, Lighthouse Point, Logicamp, Metropolis, Neverworld Grid, OSGrid, PaderGrid, Pathlandia, Speculoos, TanGLe Grid, Underground HipHop Connexion, WestWorld Grid, WorldThreedD and Your2Live, among others
The next grid is scheduled to begin in mid-January.
To be a participating grid, a hunt sponsor, or for other information or technical details, visit this page or contact Leslie Kling at lesliekling@tanglegrid.com.
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