3rd Rock Grid, one of the oldest social OpenSim grids, has joined the hypergrid. As a result, the number of active users on hypergrid-enabled grids has just crossed the 12,000 mark, to 12,416. 3rd Rock reported 470 active users last month.
And, with the addition of 3rd Rock’s 443 regions, the number of hypergrid-enabled regions is now at 48,948 standard region equivalents.

To teleport to 3rd Rock Grid, simply paste grid.3rdrockgrid.com:8002 into the Map>Search dialog box from any other hypergrid-enabled grid, then hit the “Teleport” button.
You can assemble your own hypergrid to 3rd Rock Grid by following the instructions here and then set the gate’s name to “3rd Rock Grid” and the description to “grid.3rdrockgrid.com:8002”.
Or you can create your own hyperport, using the list of hypergrid addresses below.
I will soon also publish a list of favorite hypergrid-enabled shopping destinations. Please add your suggestions here.
Full list of hypergrid-enabled grids
The following is a complete list of hypergrid-enabled grids, sorted by most popular grid first
- Metropolis: hypergrid.org:8002
- OpenSimulator Community Conference 2013: cc.opensimulator.org:8002
- Kitely: grid.kitely.com:8002
- Craft World: craft-world.org:8002
- 3rd Rock Grid:Â grid.3rdrockgrid.com:8002
- FrancoGrid: hg.francogrid.org:80
- Lost Paradise: lpgrid.com:8002
- Littlefield: lfgrid.com:8002
- AviWorlds: hg.aviworlds.com:8002
- Great Canadian Grid: login.greatcanadiangrid.ca:8002
- Logicamp: logicamp.org:8002
- Dorena’s World: dorenas-world.de:8002
- Hyperica: hg.hyperica.com:8022
- EdMondo: slw.indire.it:8002
- German Grid: login.germangrid.de:8002
- Lost World: lostworld-os.com:8002
- Naras Nook: world.narasnook.com:8900
- Sanctuary: sanctuary.homelinux.org:8012:Eld
- Tangle Grid: tanglegrid.net:8032:HG Station 1
- Virtual Gay Kingdom: virtualgaykingdom.de:8002
- Avacon:Â grid.avacon.org:8002
- Pirates Atoll: piratesatoll.com:9000
- Virtual Worlds Grid: vwc.selfip.net:8002:Hope
- ScienceCircle: sciencecircle.org:8002
- Anettes Welt: anettes-welt.de:8002
- Grille EVER: opensim2.u-strasbg.fr:8002
- Japan Open Grid: jogrid.net:8002
- ZetaWorlds: login.zetaworlds.com:8002
- Ignis Fatuus: ignis-fatuus.no-ip.biz:8002
- Xmir: grid.xmir.org:8002:andwest
- New Genres Grid: hg.ngrid.org:8002
- Adreans-World: adreans-world.from-fl.com:8000
- Exo-Life: hg.exo-life.onl:8032
- SirinHGpole: hg.sirinhgpole.com:8002
- Neuland: neuland.talentraspel.de:8002:landezone
- Pathlandia: pathlandia.dlinkddns.com:9000:Pathlandia
- Refuge Grid: refugegrid.com:8002
- AIRE Mille Flux: grid.aire-mille-flux.org:8002
- Openvue: virtual.aiai.ed.ac.uk:8002
- Aheilos: aheilos.no-ip.org:9000
- MintaKa: hg.virtualmintaka.com:8002
- Ipsofacto: ipsofacto.ddns.net:8002
- Radioactive Grid: radioactivegrid.selfip.org:88
- Ingen-Lab: ingen-lab.com:8002
- Avatar Sex Grid: asg.dyndns.ws:8002
- SkyLife:Â login.skylifegrid.com:8002
- AweSim Worlds: AweSimWorlds.com:8002:Awesim
- Iti Motu Resort: metaversesims.net:9001:Motu Topu
- University of Cincinnati OpenSim Virtual Campus Grid: ucsim.uc.edu:8002
- R.World: www.rvirtualworld.com:8002
- Nebadon2025: grid.nebadon2025.com:8002
- DWGrid: dwgrid.nl:8002
- Karmalot: karmalot-grid.co.uk:8102
- SimB2B: grid.simb2b.com:8062
- Atek Grid: grid.atekgrid.com:8002
- Lummerland: lummerland.rfc1437.de:8000
- Kyle Archipelago: kylearchipelago.com:8002
- Rissland:Â alive.psych.ucla.edu:9000
- Blackswan: blackswan.dyndns-server.com:9000
- Encitra Home Grid: home.encitragrid.com:8002
- Avatopia: avatopia.de:9000
- Grid Nirvana: login.gridnirvana.net:8002
- Virtual Photography Gallery: openlife02.cc.vt.edu:9000
- Dune:
- Majickal Life: majickallife.com:9000
- Infinite Grid: grid.infinitegrid.org:8002
- NewWorld:
- AnjWorld: anjworld.ddns.net:9000
- vCaltech: virtual.caltech.edu:9000
- AiLand: ai.vue.ed.ac.uk:8002
- NeoGrid: hbase42.hopto.org:8002
- Alluris Estates: grid.allurisestates.com:8002
- 3dcolabStandAlone: 3dcolab.com:9015
- Simugrid: simudyne-msft.cloudapp.net:9000
- Beta Technologies: opensim.betatechnologies.info:8002
- Metaverse Concept: hg.metaverseconcept.com:8002
- Ardalia:
- Empyrean: empyrean.homenet.org:9000
- Virtual Live Brazil: login.virtuallive.com.br:8002
- UCI Mondego vLab: nile.ics.uci.edu:9000
- FarWorldz:Â
- Crystal’s World: crystalsworld.net:8002
- SimudyneGrid: grid.simudynegrid.com:9000
- The Lost Castle: thelostcastle.com:8002
- SA Project:
- Troppo Club: troppoclub.com:8002
- The Gyre: gyre.fabulo.us:9000
- Jnix World:
- Adrianopolis: euler.math.drexel.edu:9000
- Bearly a Grid: grid.verymad.net:8002
- Home of Xerdar: opensim.altchange.net:9000
- Pixel Planet: os.liftedpixel.net:9000
- TCU:
- Virtual Builders:
- Pillars of Mist: pillarsofmist.com:9330
- JamGrid: jamgrid.de:8002
- Pleasure Island:
- Ocean Grid: login.oceangrid.net
- Scare Virtual Training Center:
- Langalf’s Demesne: demesne.langalf.org:9000
- Smxy: sanctuary.homelinux.org:4000
- REDgrid: redgrid.bsu.edu:9000
- Majickal Network: majickal.net:9000
- OSgrid: hg.osgrid.org:80
- YourSimSpot: YourSimSpot.com:9000
- FleepGrid: fleepgrid.com:8002
- PMGrid: pmgrid.org:8002
- A Virtual World: avirtualworld.org:8002
- My First Life: grabanickel.com:8002
- SecondLearning: sim.3dgrid.de:8002
- Alternate Open Worlds: opensim.infcomtec.com:8002
- New Zealand Virtual World Grid – Auckland: akl.nzvwg.org:8002
- RaWHiDe: meverhagen.nl:8002
- SimValley: sv.simvalley.nl:8002:svnl-plaza
- CloneLife: clonelife.eu:8002
- PLANE: sim.plane.edu.au:8002
- Open Virtual Worlds: apollo.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk:8002:Central Hub
- Sub Oceania: grid.suboceana.fr:8002
- Yaps: yaps.us:8002
- FreeLand:
- Nemesis 3D: badsworld.com:8002
- 3DLES: opensim.3dles.com:8002
- Astraliacraft: astraliacraft.it:8002
- Virtual World City: grid.virtualworldcity.com:8002
- Allegro:Â opensimserver.tk:8002
- MyOpenGrid: hg.myopengrid.com:80:Plaza Mayor
- Endivatomic World: endivatomic.eu:8002
- Littlebird Grid: lbgrid.com:8002
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- OSgrid wiping its database on March 21: You have five weeks to save your stuff - February 15, 2025
- OpenSim activity up with the new year - January 15, 2025