OpenSim grids are gearing up for the 4th of July and other summer events this coming month.
OSgrid holds giant birthday bash
OSgrid, the world’s most popular non-profit OpenSim grid, is having its seventh birthday celebration this month.
The event will be held on July 26 and 27, and two 512-meter-square variable regions have been created for it — a land area equivalent to eight standard regions. The event regions are located east and west of the Events Plaza region, and are called OSG7BE and OSG7BW.
Check out this video by OSgrid admin Ken Grunke — also known as Key Gruin in-world — about Jeff Hall’s forestry exhibit on the OSG7BW region:
And this video of Hylee Becker’s “Quantum Express” exhibit on OSG7BE:
Subscribe to Key Gruin’s YouTube channel or to the OSgrid Google Plus community to keep up with more videos and birthday-related announcements.
Littlefield celebrates the 4th with a bang
Littlefield Grid is known for its holiday parties, and this month is no exception. Littlefield’s 4th of July celebrations begin at 9 p.m. Pacific at the Stonehaven Party Isle, with a live DJ, dancing, food, drinks, a swimming pool, a log flume ride and other attractions, and a fireworks display at midnight Pacific.

As always, the events are accessible via the hypergrid, at Party Isle.
Virtual Highway celebrating a 4th of July week
The Virtual Highway grid has already begun its 4th of July festivities, grid owner Gene Call told Hypergrid Business.

They include a building contest with entries ranging from a cookout area to a presidential visit, as well as a generous response from creators for gifts for the maze hunt.
There will also be DJ’d parties featuring country hoe-down music, old rock, and everything in between.

“Throughout the week, everyone is planning on bogeying down,” Call said.
On the final day of the festivities, July 4, the winners of the building contest will be announced and will get cash prizes. There will also be a fireworks display.
Steam expo on Tangle Grid — now on the hypergrid
This year’s Steampunk Expo on Tangle Grid is hypergrid-enabled, and has been extended through to July 6.
To teleport in, grid co-owner Leslie Kling suggests using one of two jump points — one at upper coordinates at Station 1 and one within reach of lower regions at Station 2.
Residents of grids running the latest version of OpenSim can use either of these, since the bug that prevented long-distance teleports was fixed last fall.
Tangle Grid, a commercial grid, was previously closed to hypergrid travel.
“We have decided to go hypergrid enabled,” Kling told Hypergrid Business. “[But] only a few regions have been placed on gate travel.”
Once arrived on Tangle Grid, steampunk aficionados should do a local teleport to the event region, Steam Isle Event Ground.
Originally scheduled just for Saturday, June 28, the Expo now continues through the first week of July, with a live DJ at noon Pacific on Sunday, June 29, Tuesday, July 1, and Friday, the 4th of July.
Hypergrid Safari sets off every Wednesday
Speaking of Google Plus communities, if you’re interested in exploring the hypergrid with a fun group of other people, check out the Hypergrid Safari Google Plus community.
They meet every Wednesday at noon Pacific time on the Magica region on OSgrid, hypergrid address
“Every Wednesday in July we will be visiting different grids and builders, from Kitely to Sanctuary to FrancoGrid,” group founder Thirza Ember told Hypergrid Business. “We try to combine visiting installs and galleries with a Q&A with long time OpenSim users and creators — we had a great visit with Lani Global a couple of weeks back, for example.”

On Wednesday, July 30, I will be leading a Hypergrid Safari tour and we’ll be stopping at the newly-redesigned Hyperica hyperport.
July on Kitely filled with poetry, parties
Kitely — the largest commercial grid by land area and the fifth most popular grid by active users — is continuing to build up its in-world events.
There are DJ’d dances on Fridays and Sundays, writing and poetry-related events on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, guided meditation on Tuesdays, and the Kitely Community Meeting every Wednesday.
Check out the Kitely Community Calendar for all the details.
Kitely has also announced some performance and reliability improvements recently, including faster mesh loading.
The Kitely Market has added some new items, including animated birds from Ocean Engineering and creature avatars from Avatar Bizarre.
However, overall, the number of products listed on the Kitely Market has fallen slightly over the past two weeks, from 2,882 to 2,860. The number of variations of those products has increased, however, from 5,459 to 5,498.

“We lost a couple or merchants following our pricing change but we gained more merchants over that same time period,” Kitely CEO Ilan Tochner told Hypergrid Business. He was referring to the June 11 decision to stop offering metered regions to free users. “We had a net growth in the number of product variations while experiencing a small decrease in the number of product listings due to the fact that the merchants who left listed mostly single-variation products while the merchants that joined listed more multi-variation products.”
The most significant change was in the number of exportable variations, which fell from 2,254 to 2,158.
“It appears that most of the new merchants have yet to make their new listings exportable,” said Tochner. “I expect that will change once they start getting requests from the hypergrid users who buy from Kitely Market.”
Erotic readings on Avalonia
If your summer isn’t hot enough for you, check out the Erotic Readings on the Avalonia Estate grid on Sundays at 3 p.m. Pacific on the Central Park region.
“We decided that we are going to record the voice meetings and publish them on our website as podcasts for people to download and listen to again, as a way of promoting the grid, and also to improve awareness and interest,” grid owner Justin Ireman told Hypergrid Business.

The grid also will hold a Boogie Night every Friday this month at 2 p.m. Pacific on the Avalonia Sea region, and open mic discussions about femdom every Wednesday at 3 p.m. Pacific on the Central Park region.
The grid has also recently upgraded its website, its version of OpenSim, upgraded the capacity of its voice server, became a supporter of the OpenSim Community Conference, added a new custom-built “Tiki Pool” to its Avalonia Sea party island, and posted a YouTube video demonstrating how to purchase items on the Kitely Market for delivery to the Avalonia Estate grid.
For more adult-oriented events, check out The Adult Metaverse Google Plus community.
Grid Calendars
Many grids have calendars showcasing their events. If your grid’s calendar isn’t in this list, please send an email to
- 3rd Rock Grid Event Calendar
- Avalonia Estate Events Calendar
- Avination Events Calendar – and for more details and to stay on top of Avination happenings with the  Avination Facebook group, and the Avination Live Music Facebook group.
- Craft grid calendar
- FrancoGrid events calendar
- GridTalk Events Calendar focusing on German-language grids
- InWorldz event calendar  and its Event Lists forum
- Island Oasis Calendar
- Kitely Events Calendar
- Kitely Events and Activities Forum
- Kitely’s Google + Community
- Littlefield Event Calendar
- Metropolis Events Calendar
- OSgrid event announcements
- SkyLife Events Calendar
- Virtual Highway events calendar
Also check out the Hypergrid Events and OpenSim Virtual communities on Google Plus!
- OSgrid enters immediate long-term maintenance - March 5, 2025
- OSgrid wiping its database on March 21: You have five weeks to save your stuff - February 15, 2025
- OpenSim activity up with the new year - January 15, 2025