I had put up this page since Linda Kellie’s site was going down, but Zetamex just announced that they purchased it, and it will be staying up. Yeay. So you can continue to go there to download these things. There’s also a download page here, of all the OAR and IAR files.
Linda Kellie OAR files
The following are entire regions by Linda Kellie. They are licensed as “do anything you want with them, no attribution required” — which is equivalent to a CC0 or “public domain” license.
They are free to use for any purpose, including resale and commercial.
There is a problem when trying to download these OAR’s using the Safari web browser. Either use a different browser, or  disable this Preferences option: “General > Open “safe†files after downloadingâ€. That prevents Safari from automatically extracting the TAR files from the TGZ files. However, it also prevents opening other files automatically, such as PDF.
These OAR’s will work on AuroraSim as well but if you use them on an AuroraSim grid you will need to adjust the sit positions and the avatar clothing attachments.
 Aurora-Sim OARs
These OAR’s will work on OpenSim as well but if you use them on anOpenSim grid you will need to adjust the sit positions and the avatar clothing attachments.
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